UKIP-vs-EUkip CLICK The Pic. to Travel

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
UKIP's Marta ANDREASEN MEP & David BANNERMAN MEP Are Exposed By A Few FACTS Regarding Their PERSONAL Ambitions!!

I gather from Geoffrey van Orden that David Bannerman is still trying to jump ship to The Tories but initially demanded a clear run as an MEP at the next election - The reply was NO.

Then DB offered to join them if he was given a safe MP seat - Still NO.

Get the message David they were glad to see you leave the first time - there is NO Job for someone who has even pretended to be anti EU to get a job in Cameron's pro EU Party.

Politicians have a strong sense of self preservation and no one trusts this liar - it became clear he was dishonest with his lies about his relationship to a desk!

Then he lied to support a corrupt selection process. 

Then the Sunday Times exposed him with Stuart Agnew fiddling their expenses.
This issue is being investigated in detail by OLAF:

Case No. OF/2010/0282

Officer Mr. Martin Wasmeier & Mr. Empl
Complaint raised with Metropolitan Police also & Forwarded to OLAF

The see the full story and the video where Stuart Agnew MEP for The NFU, The EFD & UKIP admits to breaking EU rules on expenses and allowances with David Bannerman MEP and laundering money with Malcolm Lord Pearson, to mislead (Fraudulently?) British electoral authorities see:

We are informed that David Bannerman offered enough info. to destroy UKIP & Farage to be selected by The Tories. This did nothing to help his ambitions it seems, it just showed him for a liar and untrustworthy.

The answer is still NO.

So I am reliably informed.

Marta Andreasen MEP seems to be having much the same problems but at least, from Cameron's point of view she has not campaigned to leave The EU but merely to change The EU, which is more acceptable to The Tories.

Marta Andreasen however has the same problem with trust and reliability which will in fact preclude The Tories from taking her in as it is well known that she is a liar, a fraud and untrustworthy as shown by her employment record and also The Courts!
You may recall how Tim Sebastian rather surprised Marta Andreasen with his research and his challenge of how she had been suspended from her job at The OECD and lost her case against them proved just how Hard 'Hard Talk' could be!

This led to the allegations involving racism and also that she had obtained her job with The EU working for Neil Kinnock fraudulently (just as she became an MEP fraudulently by telling lies!).

For more details on Marta Andreasen MEP CLICK HERE

It is VERY unlikely that The Tories will change their minds having rejected her advances in the past - In real terms lets face it UKIP MEPs have absolutely nothing in terms of credibility, ability or reputation that any Party would welcome; except perhaps The BNP to swell their ranks and of course the faintly idiotic English Dummycrats to TRY to raise their profile.

One wonders with these machinations for how long Jerzy Buzek, as President of The EU mock Parliament, will permit this farce to continue with numbers falling in the vile and extremist Pan EU Political EFD Group with its racist and xenophobic behaviour and anti Jewish and anti homosexual antics - the numbers are laid out and The EFD is falling in size despite its very clearly stated pro EU agenda - surely Buzek must call the failing group to account as letters of resignation or at least very clearly documented material crosses his desk as with the resignation of Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP & Anna Rosbach MEP.

There are at least 4 others teatering on the brink of acting with integrity and disassociating themselves which would lead to the collapse of this vile pro EU group, one would hope.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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